Yocto Workshop LinuxLab 2018

Workshop Yocto Project at LinuxLab 2018

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Marco Cavallini presented a workshop at LinuxLab 2018 which took place on 3 and 4 December 2018 in Florence. Title of the workshop was Yocto Project, an automatic generator of embedded linux distributions.

Qt5 Cross-Compile For ARTIK 710

It has been a pleasure to help Mark Williams of Samsung to elaborate and test the the official guide that describes how to cross-compile Qt5 (using version 5.9.2) for ARTIK 710 using Ubuntu 16.04 on your development PC.
Formazione Linux industria 4.0

Credito d’imposta per spese di formazione 2018

Con legge n. 205 del 27.12.2017 (meglio conosciuta come Legge di Bilancio 2018) è stato introdotto un nuovo incentivo consistente nell’assegnazione di un credito d’imposta pari al 40% per le imprese che investono in formazione del personale, calcolato sul costo del personale occupato in attività di formazione.

Introduction To Linux – A Hands On Guide

This guide was created as an overview of the Linux Operating System, geared toward new users as an exploration tour and getting started guide, with exercises at the end of each chapter.

Linux And Yocto Project Training In Munich March 2018

Koan offers an enterprising 3-day course which provides you with everything you need to get started with embedded Linux embedded and Yocto Project. You will be guided step-by-step by experienced trainer Marco Cavallini. The course is for a maximum of 10 attendees and will be held in English.

Yocto Project Meta Layer For Samsung Artik

Koan is proud to provide the unofficial Yocto Project BSP for Samsung Artik and Kitra boards. This project is not endorsed nor supported by Samsung.
Creazione di un Linux MPI cluster Raspberry Pi

Creazione linux MPI cluster con Raspberry Pi

Creazione di un piccolo supercomputer per calcolo parallelo con tecnologia MPI 'cluster' usando Linux e schede RaspberryPi3. Presentazione di Marco Cavallini (KOAN sas) al ArduinoDay 2017.
Linux Day Torino 2016

Koan sponsor nazionale del LinuxDay 2016

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Koan è sponsor ufficiale del Linux Day! Il Linux Day è la principale manifestazione italiana di promozione di software libero e sistemi operativi GNU/Linux promossa dalla Italian Linux Society. Quest'anno si svolgerà di sabato, il 22 ottobre 2016 in tutta Italia. Il tema di quest'anno a livello nazionale è... il coding! Koan ha deciso di dare il proprio contributo sponsorizzando la manifestazione a livello nazionale insieme allo Yocto Project.
NXP Freescale i.MX8

Add RS485 support to Freescale iMX6

How to add RS485 support to the UART on a Freescale iMX6 (SABRELITE) with kernel 3.10.17 Remember to set the appropriate GPIO for RTS signal in the Device Tree.
Yocto Project

Yocto Project Course – Crash Course

We are launching a new training course about the Yocto Project. Yocto is the leading embedded Linux build system and the de-facto preferred solution by all the vendors and companies around the world to automate and simplify the build process of embedded systems.
ACME Berta A5 Yocto Project

ACME Systems Acqua A5 Running Yocto Poky

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We have just completed the with 4.3" LCD and resistive touchscreen. CPU Atmel SAMA5D3 mounted on Acqua A5 module. Software demo: Qt5 based home automation demo. ACME Systems Acqua A5 Running Poky linux built with Yocto.