Workshop Yocto Project at LinuxLab 2018
Embedded, Linux, YoctoMarco Cavallini presented a workshop at LinuxLab 2018 which took place on 3 and 4 December 2018 in Florence.
Title of the workshop was Yocto Project, an automatic generator of embedded linux distributions.

Yocto Project Meta Layer For Samsung Artik
YoctoKoan is proud to provide the unofficial Yocto Project BSP for Samsung Artik and Kitra boards. This project is not endorsed nor supported by Samsung.

Koan sponsor nazionale del LinuxDay 2016
Courses, Linux, YoctoKoan è sponsor ufficiale del Linux Day!
Il Linux Day è la principale manifestazione italiana di promozione di software libero e sistemi operativi GNU/Linux promossa dalla Italian Linux Society.
Quest'anno si svolgerà di sabato, il 22 ottobre 2016 in tutta Italia.
Il tema di quest'anno a livello nazionale è... il coding!
Koan ha deciso di dare il proprio contributo sponsorizzando la manifestazione a livello nazionale insieme allo Yocto Project.

Yocto Project Course – Crash Course
YoctoWe are launching a new training course about the Yocto Project. Yocto is the leading embedded Linux build system and the de-facto preferred solution by all the vendors and companies around the world to automate and simplify the build process of embedded systems.

ACME Systems Acqua A5 Running Yocto Poky
Embedded, Linux, YoctoWe have just completed the with 4.3" LCD and resistive touchscreen.
CPU Atmel SAMA5D3 mounted on Acqua A5 module.
Software demo: Qt5 based home automation demo.
ACME Systems Acqua A5 Running Poky linux built with Yocto.