KDE ev

KDE e.V. organize every year the KDE Akademy. The goal of the conference section of Akademy is to learn and teach new skills, and share passion around the KDE project which is one of the largest active Free Software communities. KDE is built on top of the Qt toolkit, largely adopted on Linux embedded systems.

KDE Akademy 2019

This year the KDE Akademy 2019 will be in Milan, Italy and is organized with unixMiB - the Linux User Group of the University of Milano-Bicocca. unixMiB aims to spread Open Source philosophy among students.
The conference is expected to draw hundreds of attendees from the global KDE community to discuss and plan the future of the community and its technology. Many participants from the broad Free and Open Source software community, local organizations and software companies are attending.

The Koan CEO, Marco Cavallini is participating to this conference. He is also a Qt developer for embedded systems and a Qt trainer.
If you’re attending the conference, do not hesitate to get in touch with Marco!

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